
Showing posts from July, 2019

Beginning watercolor: flowers

This week I started to paint with watercolor. My kiddos have Crayola paints and Melissa and Doug Paint Pads. I have tubes of "Crafts 4 All" inexpensive paint from Amazon. If we are successful at this endeavor we will upgrade. First, I went to the 751.2 nonfiction section of our local public library. I found a lot of books to peruse. I recommend the DK book for young people and beginners. I also bought 2 books after a lot of research. One is for more simple paintings and one is for more realistic botanical paiting. I am only interested in flowers at this point but I am intrigued by landscapes. Here are pictures of my experiments and book recommendations. My pansy painting got 106 likes on Facebook! I don't think I have ever recieved that many for any other thing, maybe a new baby. Happy Painting!

Another Summer Read

I have some go-to types of books for reading for fun: Billy Bryson style humorous nonfiction, cooking/travel fiction or nonfiction (anything about Julia Child), Jane Austen inspired fiction, lighter murder mysteries with some historical component, and smart romantic comedies. Other types have floated in and out of rotation. Man, I  really lucked out with this last romantic comedy. It makes me wonder what is next in my to read pile because if it is another rom com I might have to skip it for a while and branch out. Evvie Drake Starts Over was fun and believable. I liked looking in on the characters lives and I rooted for them to succeed. I highly recommend it. Serve with a Campari and soda.