
Showing posts from June, 2019

Your Summer Beach Read

This is your summer beach read. You're welcome. Do you love Shakespeare? Do you have a problem copy editing random things people might not appreciate you editing? Our protagonist does. She also starts this story as a doubter of astrology. I dig and dig for books like this. I start about 30 ARCs a month and abandon them with sadness.  I am  tickled that the author is also a Gemini Librarian.

Anthony, the Great

First of all, don't ever tell me a picture book is "cute". A friend, (who had been on the Caldecott and Newbery Committees) who was the nicest librarian who ever lived, would get so angry when anyone dismissed a picture book as "cute"-- really people there are so many other words. There is so much depth and complexity in children's literature, at least their should be. Even Captain Underpants has a few different layers. Pictures books are a beautiful medium for authors and illustrators to share stories. They build visual literacy, have depth, and connect children to the world around them. Most teacher and parents use picture books as teaching tools with young people. For a book to be successful to me, it has to have a gel between the story and illustrations. It should have a flow between pages and as a whole work. Some of the best have a great theme and they should never patronize young people. That's Children's Literature 101 lesson A. Moving on...